Le Mans Ultimate’s June 2024 update was headlined by the release of the BMW M Hybrid V8 LMDh. However, alongside it, a variety of improvements including the implementation of a radar system and a new race start procedure have made significant improvements to the platform’s user experience.
A revamped replay mode is another key aspect of Le Mans Ultimate’s most recent overhaul. It allows drivers to analyse their on-track performances better and indulge themselves in taking screenshots. Let’s learn more about it.
How To Navigate A Replay
Le Mans Ultimates replay mode, which has existed as a core feature since its release, has been given a shiny new heads-up display with the June 2024 update.
An intuitive overlay now allows users to watch sessions from start to finish with easily accessible ways of jumping to the start or finish of a replay, fast-forwarding, rewinding, pausing and slowing down time – a significant improvement on the previous iteration of replay mode which could only be navigated using custom keybinds.
A central panel contains a set of symbols representing these primary controls whilst also featuring a more generalised timeline that drivers can use to scrub through roughly to different areas of a replay.
In addition, replay mode now allows users to access a variety of onboard, offboard and TV cameras. To the left of the replay mode’s HUD, three buttons represent three categories of camera angles:
- The circuit icon grants access to TV cameras
- The steering wheel icon grants access to player point-of-view cameras
- The car icon grants access to vehicle-mounted cameras
By using the arrows next to the camera icon you can swap between different angles within each category.
Using New Driver Input Graphics
Whilst the new replay mode HUD makes accessing camera angles and jumping through time easy, it also provides a key benefit to drivers looking to learn from their competitors.
On the right of the replay mode HUD, a new panel shows important metrics regarding driver inputs and car performance. This includes:
- Throttle, brake and clutch traces
- Steering trace
- G-force meter
- Speed
- Engine revs
- Gear
Via the new HUD, data is presented in an easy-to-understand format. Pedal traces all appear as solid vertical bars, complementing the input graphics that are surrounded by the rev counter when you’re on track, whilst steering inputs are indicated by a blue horizontal bar, showing information in terms of axis rather than steering movement to ensure clarity.
From a driving standpoint, this is arguably the most important feature of Le Mans Ultimate’s new replay mode. Not only does it allow you to analyse your own inputs, which could show you the key mistakes that are holding you back, but it also means you can delve into the data of other drivers – crucially, driving metrics from competitors (both online and offline) can be viewed through replay mode.
How To Access Replay Mode

Replay mode can be accessed via three different routes, two from within a session and one from Le Mans Ultimate’s main menu.
The primary route for entering a replay from within a session is by pressing the “Watch” button, which is located in the bottom right-hand corner of the garage menu. From here, you will be granted access to the entire replay from your session and can switch to watching live action too.
- Remember, you can swap between watching the replay from your point of view and that of any other car when you’re online
The instant replay feature is another way of accessing replay mode. By pressing the “R” key, which is the default key bind, you can access a short replay file without having to return to the garage. This is especially useful if you are looking to take screenshots or are competing in a single-player environment and want to check out an overtake or some on-track action but beware, it is limited to three minutes so does not span the entire session.
- You can set the bind to open an instant replay in Settings > Controls > Gameplay
The final way of accessing replay mode was added to Le Mans Ultimate in the June 2024 update. On the main menu, you will now see a “Replay” heading which, when clicked, will bring up a small box showing a selection of automatically saved replay files from online and offline sessions. If you select one of these replays, you will load into a replay mode spanning the entire session it is attached to, identical to what you would get from the “Watch” option in the garage.
The Best Replay Keybinds
Whilst Le Mans Ultimate’s new replay mode does not require the use of custom key binds to navigate it due to the central panel’s control option, having your binds set up can come in handy – especially if you are taking screenshots.
With only a limited number of buttons on your steering wheel, we recommend that you bind replay mode controls to a keyboard or a gamepad, although we found that gamepads are the intuitive option given some keys are usually already bound to in-car controls. To manipulate time within replay mode, we recommend utilising the following key binds, which can be set in Settings > Controls > Interaction:
Whilst these key binds do not cover every feature in replay mode, they offer adequate coverage and leave some buttons available if you want to dive into the world of screenshots.
- If you want to take the best screenshots in Le Mans Ultimate, you will need to set more custom keybinds. Check out our guide to all things screenshots here.
By default, you can turn off the replay mode HUD – and driver name tags – using the middle mouse button, which is a useful option to have up your sleeve.